Two Years Of The Festival of Discovery
From pizza making and staff profiles to events, animations and more.
The Festival of Discovery was a four day environmental education festival involving speakers, doers and thinkers from around the world.
Eden approached us to take the entire festival online from their speakers and theatre performances to how-to’s and brand films.
Over the three weeks leading up to the festival we captured events of all shapes and sizes, Q&A’s, staff profiles and even delivered an animation series.
The event ran for two years with the help of Big Lottery Funding.
A Brand Film
What is Eden all about?
To kick of the festival Eden wanted a short film that took inspirations from all aspects, and all areas, of the site. Whether it wads the community work across the UK or the incredible plants growing right here in their biome.
A Motion Graphics Series
Using Graphics For The Festivals Brand Pillars.
Across the festival’s duration Eden tried to reiterate the importance of their main messaging pillars. These animations were used between shows and on their socials to gain interest in events and to help hammer home the point.
Eden Character Profiles
Meeting The People Behind Eden
Alongside the events, animations, panels, and how-to’s we created a series of 5 “Meet The Team” style films from across the organisation.
How-Too Videos
Pizza Making with Mike Greer
Throughout the festival we released a number of ‘How-Too’ films. These films spanned everything from lantern making, and seaweed foraging courses to the classic pizza making tutorial that you can see below.