The Trim Tab. (Our Blog)

Stories of adventure, filmmaking, equipment & big ideas. We share interviews and behind the scenes, reviews and thoughts, we share challenges and successes. Take a look at some of our stories below.

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London | Bristol | Cornwall

Film Fixer and Production Assistant in Cornwall.
Cornwall Ollie Couch Cornwall Ollie Couch

Film Fixer and Production Assistant in Cornwall.

Looking for a fixer in conrwall to help with your next tv production or film? We’ve spent the last five years working as Cornwall’s leading video production company and help companies large and small as a fixer in the area. We help with all aspects of production assistance from Crewing and catering to location and logistics.

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Top 5 Video Production Agencies in Cornwall.
Cornwall Ollie Couch Cornwall Ollie Couch

Top 5 Video Production Agencies in Cornwall.

Are you looking for a video production agency in Cornwall to deliver your next Cornwall based video production? Often, as a video production agency in Cornwall ourselves, we’re approached by brands and agencies from around the UK looking to shoot content in Cornwall’s beautiful landscape. This has meant a bustling community of agencies have emerged down here from documentary studios through to social media agencies. Below is a little list of who we think are great!

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Top 10 Filmmakers in Cornwall (2024)
Cornwall Ollie Couch Cornwall Ollie Couch

Top 10 Filmmakers in Cornwall (2024)

Are you looking for quality filmmakers in Cornwall to deliver your next Cornwall based video production? Look no further! In this blog, we'll provide a breakdown of the different services offered by each filmmaker, including drone videography, in-water videography, documentary, and branded filmmaking. As filmmakers in Cornwall ourselves, we're proud to call many of these talented individuals our friends. Contact us to learn more about how we can connect you with the right filmmaker for your needs.

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