100+ Essential Video Marketing Statistics You Need To Know (2024)

It’s no surprise that video is now the most powerful form of marketing on the internet.

Video helps you connect with your audience on a deeper level, convey complex ideas simply and guide audiences through topics that would be tricky or impossible with words alone. 

Video can help you communicate your purpose, increase brand awareness, give genuine value to your customers and can even play a key role in converting interested people into real life sales.

Why doesn’t everyone create videos? Whether creating video in house, using the new IPhone, or working with a trusted video production company, video is costly, time consuming and needs special equipment, it’s no wonder that most companies think twice before taking the plunge. 

If you’re thinking about investing in video for your company but aren’t yet sure whether video is the right option, this blog is for you.

We’ve put together a list all of the most important video marketing statistics that you will need in 2024 so you can make an informed decision about whether video is right for you and your online presence. 

Table Of Contents

1. Video Marketing Overview In 2024.
2. Video Marketing Usage, Trends & Statistics. (2024)
3. Does The Public React To Video Marketing. (2024)
4. YouTube: Essential Video Marketing Statistics. (2024)
5. LinkedIn: Essential Video Marketing Statistics. (2024)
6. Facebook: Essential Video Marketing Statistics. (2024)
7. Instagram: Essential Video Marketing Statistics. (2024)
8. TikTok: Essential Video Marketing Statistics. (2024)
9. Snapchat: Essential Video Marketing Statistics. (2024)
10. Live Video: Essential video marketing statistics. (2024)

Video Marketing Statistics 2024 

With video there is no time like the present. There has never been more people on the internet than there is today and this shows no signs of slowing down any time soon. The following statistics show just how powerful video marketing can be for your company right now. 

How many people watch videos online?

The amount of people consuming, downloading and streaming video in 2022 was at an all time high of 3.37 billion people a year. This is a figure expected to rise to 3.48 in 2023 and up to 3.65 by 2025.

Source: Insider Intelligence ‘Over 3 billion people worldwide are now digital video viewers’

World wide digital video views in billions. Credit: Insider Intelligence

What reach does online video have?

The amount of people on the internet between the ages of 16-64 who watch video online at least once a week is now at 93%. Music videos and memes account for the largest share of viewership (50% of people watching music videos and 37% watching memes) but a whopping 28% of people will watch an educational video every week and 27% of people watch a product video every week. This is good news for people thinking of taking their business online. 


Credit: Hootsuite

What is the best type of online content?

More than 50% of marketers say that video is the single most important type of content to bolster their online presence.

Source: Sprout Social “The 2024 Content Benchmarks Report”

How much content on Facebook, Instagram, & Twitter is video?

It may come as a shock that video is the most underutilized content type on some of the world’s biggest social media platforms Facebook, Instagram and Twitter comprising just 14%, 11% and 5% respectively.

Source: Sprout Social “50+ Social Media Video Marketing Statistics for 2024”

Credit: Sproutsocial

What percentage of internet traffic is from video streaming?

According to a comprehensive Cisco report video streaming and downloading accounts for 82% of internet traffic, this is up 9% from 2017.

Source: Cisco “Global Device Usage Forecast -VNI Complete Forecast Highlights”

What type of video is best for B2B marketing?

  • In 2021 live video was produced by 53% of companies. This is hardly a shock with the huge increase in remote working being seen across almost all industries.

  • Brand videos are still a favourite amongst company marketing departments as 53% of companies also produced a brand video of some sort in 2021.

  • Product videos are close behind with 51% of companies producing product videos in 2021.

Source: Vidyard: “2023 Video in Business Benchmark Report”

Credit: Vidyard

Video Marketing Usage, Trends & Statistics

Next let’s dive into some of the key video usage statistics about who is consuming video and whether the numbers are going up or going down. One thing you can be for sure about is that the numbers are showing that video isn’t slowing down any time soon.

How many businesses use video content?

  • 86% of businesses use video as a marketing tool in some shape or form.

  • A recent study showed that 92% of professional marketing managers value video a big part of their marketing strategy in 2023.

Source: Wyzowl “Video Marketing Statistics 2024”


Why don’t people use video for marketing?

Many marketing managers claim to not have enough time (23%) to integrate video into their strategy whilst others don’t use it because they don’t know where to start (16%), or they think it’s just too expensive for them (10%).

Source: Wyzowl “video marketing statistics 2024”

Is marketing moving towards video?

A huge shift was seen in 2022 in the use of video by marketing managers previously not using video with 79% of non video marketers saying they used video for the first time as a part of their strategy in 2022. The main reasons for this are that marketers feel that video has become easier to create and that the value of video has been easier to communicate to the hierarchy of the companies they work in.

Source: Wyzowl “video marketing statistics 2024”

How much do companies spend on video?

On average 40% of people are looking to spend less than £500 on a video, with 97% of people looking to spend less than £10,000 on any given video production. Another study of over 1,000 marketers found that only 14% of people are looking to spend over £8,500 with 35% of respondents planning to spend less than £2,000.

Source: Wyzowl “video marketing statistics 2024”

How are companies making videos in 2024?

This may come as a surprise but last year 50% of companies decided to make videos in house with only 13% of companies exclusively working with outsourced production teams. This suggests that most companies are opting for quick, high volume video production that allows them to produce video at a much greater scale.

PRO TIP: Leveraging an online video editor and using its features such as audio joiner, MP3 Converter and Audio to Text simplifies the video creation process, making it efficient, cost-effective, and accessible for businesses of various scales.

What do marketers want to achieve from video

Recent research suggests that 62% of marketers see getting high engagement on their videos as their main priority. This was closely followed by number of views, with 61% of marketers saying that the number of views a video has had as being very important, finally 60% of marketeers stated the number of leads they gain from a video as being important. I think it can safely be said that all of the above are key… It's just interesting to see just how close these three categories are.

Source: Wyzowl “video marketing statistics 2024”

Does video give a good return on investment?

Recent research suggests that 62% of marketers see getting high engagement on their videos as their main priority. This was closely followed by number of views, with 61% of marketers saying that the number of views a video has had as being very important, finally 60% of marketeers stated the number of leads they gain from a video as being important. I think it can safely be said that all of the above are key… It's just interesting to see just how close these three categories are.

Source: Wyzowl “video marketing statistics 2024”

Does video give a good return on investment?

Return on investment or ROI can be measured in a number of different ways. Maybe it’s leads, maybe it’s engagements, maybe it’s brand awareness. A recent study has asked a number of video marketers what ROI they’ve seen after investing in video and the results are astonishing. I’m just going to rattle through a number of good stats here for you to think about; 87% of video marketers see greater traffic to their website when they use video, 82% have seen an increase in dwell time (the amount of time a person stays on the website) when using video, 96% of marketers have said that video has helped their customers understand a service of product, 86% have seen an increase in leads from using video and a further 81% of video marketers have said that video has directly lead to increased sales.

Source: Wyzowl “video marketing statistics 2024”

Two thirds of marketeers increased their spend on video marketing in 2022 

Return on investment or ROI can be measured in a number of different ways. Maybe it’s leads, maybe it’s engagements, maybe it’s brand awareness. A recent study has asked a number of video marketers what ROI they’ve seen after investing in video and the results are astonishing. I’m just going to rattle through a number of good stats here for you to think about; 87% of video marketers see greater traffic to their website when they use video, 82% have seen an increase in dwell time (the amount of time a person stays on the website) when using video, 96% of marketers have said that video has helped their customers understand a service of product, 86% have seen an increase in leads from using video and a further 81% of video marketers have said that video has directly lead to increased sales.

Source: Wyzowl “video marketing statistics 2024”

Two thirds of marketeers increased their spend on video marketing in 2022 

After reading all of the above the next stat makes a lot of sense. A recent study has shown that two thirds (66%) of marketers opted to spend more in their 2022 campaign than their previous year.

Source: Wyzowl “video marketing statistics 2024”

Video is the best tool for filling your sales funnel

15. A recent study found that 84% of new purchases from a company began with the customer watching a video about the product or service.

A further study found that a whopping 93% of brands got a new customer or sale because of a video on social media.

How do customers react to companies using video?

So it’s clear that video is on the up and shows no signs of changing any time soon. But how your customers, the people is the big wide world actually feel about their favourite brands creating videos is a different topic all together. Next we drive into some facts about the type of content people want to view and it’s clear that video is king of the castle.

It’s official, people would rather watch a film to learn than read the information in an article 

16. A recent study showed that 96% of people had watched an explainer video in the past to learn how to do something. This on its own is probably an obvious stat but 73% of people had actually said they’d rather watch a video to learn than read the information with only 11% of people actually preferring a written explanation and guide.

Using video can actually increase sales

17. Nobody likes to be sold to and nobody likes to admit they’ve been persuaded to buy something. Video is a powerful force for selling everything online and customers are aware of that. In a recent study 88% of people have admitted that they were persuaded to purchase from a company after watching their brand video and a further 78% of people said they were persuaded to purchase or download a piece of software after watching a video. The fact that nobody likes to admit they’ve been sold to would suggest these numbers are actually in truth lower than reality.

People are spending much more time online and this looks set to continue for 2024

18. People on average spend 19 hours a week watching online videos. That's a staggering 8.5 hours more per week than what people watched in 2018.

People prefer sharing video above all other types of online content

19. People are twice as likely to share a video over any other type of online content. This includes blog posts, pictures, memes or anything else. So if you want viral growth and high shareability… video is essential.

People want more videos from the brand they love

20. A study asked people whether they wanted more or less video from the brands they loved, 88% of consumers say they want brands to be creating more video! That’s a lot of people, I guess that means one thing guys… we better get creating.

People enjoy watching brand videos

21. A recent study of over 1,000 marketeers found that 90% of consumers actually enjoyed watching brand films with only 4% of people saying that they didn’t watch brand videos at all.

Facebook, Instagram and Youtube are the peoples favorites

22. In a recent study Facebook, Instagram and YouTube have been reported as the most popular platforms for consumers to watch videos on.

People prefer watching videos on smartphones over desktop

23. 58% of consumers say they prefer to watch video content on their smartphones above watching video on their laptops. Only 19% of people prefer watching their videos on a laptop.

Videos are the best way to convey information to your customers

24. One of the key things we are careful about as video producers is not to give an audience too much information!! Luckily video is the single best digital medium for conveying information, one recent study found that customers retain 95% of the information they learn about in a video… not bad right?

People want good story and authenticity from their videos

25. Consumers report wanting a good storyline, genuine authenticity and a clear message as the most important aspects of a video. In our line of work we see a lot of films that don’t get the basics right. It’s key to make sure that your key message is a clear one.

Most customers say video has helped them with their purchasing decisions

26. Over 50% of consumers have said that video online has helped them decide which products and brands to buy from.

Video can reduce the need for support calls

27. Video isn’t just useful for filling the sales funnel. A recent study found that 43% of companies required fewer support calls post purchase when using instructional video alongside their products. Building on this a further 93% of customers report finding post purchase instructional videos extremely useful!

Virtual reality is coming of age

28. 14% of marketers planned on using virtual reality in their 2022 marketing campaign.


Video Is Essential On Every Social Media Platform

Almost every single social media platform is moving towards video in one form or another. Today, even LinkedIn favours video above all other types of content. Instagram famously announced that it was actually a video sharing platform above a photo platform and Facebook is moving gradually towards a completely video focused approach over the next few years.

The Best YouTube Video Marketing Statistics. (2024)

YouTube is the world’s largest video platform and it shows no signs of slowing up.

Here are a few key statistics that will persuade you that YouTube should, with out a doubt, be in your next video marketing campaign.

If you’re looking for a more detailed dive, take a look at our YouTube Video Marketing Statistics Page.

29. People often overlook YouTube but do so at your peril. YouTube is set to have 2.85 billion monthly active users by 2025.

30. The United Kingdom has more views per person than any other country making us the most YouTube obsessed country in the world. This is a mean feat considering India has over 225 million users and the US has over 197 million users.

31. 88% of marketing profesionals are planning on using youtube in their next marketing campaign.

32. YouTube is great for targeting all ages however YouTube is most effective at targeting people people aged 16-35.

33. Over 90% of people say they’ve found new brands of products whilst on YouTube.

34. According to google, 87% of consumers found it much easier to make a purchasing decision either to purchase or not to purchase whilst using YouTube.

35. YouTube is the world's favorite video watching platform with 83% of consumers saying they prefer watching videos on YouTube above anything else.

36. YouTube is also the preferred platform for watching user generated videos like Vlogs, and self filmed shorts with 65% of people saying they prefer watching this type of content on YouTube over anything else.

37. A global study found that 40% of shoppers have gone on to buy a product or service that they discovered on YouTube.

The Best LinkedIn Video Marketing Statistics. (2024)

LinkedIn has become one of the world’s leading video platforms for B2B marketeers!

The following stats will show you just how powerful this platform has become for those looking to drive sales, find leads and connect with like minded professionals.

If you’re looking for a more detailed breakdown just take a look at our
LinkedIn Video Marketing Statistics Page.

38. In a study over 1,000 marketers were asked which social media channel they would choose if they could only use one channel for their next campaign. LinkedIn won, with 29% of marketers saying they would choose LinkedIn for their next video marketing campaign if they could pick just one social media channel. 24% of the marketers choose YouTube and 19% choose Facebook.

39. 68% of marketers plan on using LinkedIn in their next video marketing campaign.

40. Video is a hugely important aspect of the future of LinkedIn, currently Video is 3 times more likely to be shared on LinkedIn than text posts and LinkedIn knows this!!

41. LinkedIn reports that videos below thirty seconds long have the highest engagement!

42. Employees are fouteen times more likely to share content from their employers than from any other source.

43. Marketers see a two times higher rate of sales conversions on LinkedIn than on any other platform.

44. Linked In is a favorite for B2B marketers with 40% of marketers reporting that LinkedIn is their favorite platform for driving high quality leads.

45. Video is great on LinkedIn but live video is even better!! On average marketers get 7x more reactions and 24x more comments on live video than on any other type of video.

The Best Facebook Video Marketing Statistics. (2024)

With over 3 billion users at the end of 2023, FaceBook is certainly no small fry in the world of social media. Why then does it constantly get seen as the lesser cousin to its Instagram and SnapChat counterparts?

FaceBook has become the global meeting place for all age groups, demographics and peoples. It’s obvious that by being the evrything to everyone, young people ens up wanting to be else where.

This isn’t to say that FaceBook isn’t still one of the most important video marketing platforms. In this sectiojn we explore some of our favourite video marketing statistics that will make you think twice about leaving this giant off of your next campaign.

For a more detailed dive why not check out our article on
FaceBook Video Marketing Statistics for 2024?

46. It’s no surprise that Facebook is one of the world’s most popular social networks but did you know that Facebook has over 2.96 billion users as of the beginning of 2023.

47. What’s even more surprising is that 74% of Facebook users login every single day.

48. The last two facts make the next fact even more interesting. A recent study has found that 85% of people on Facebook on Facebook watch videos without sound… ON MUTE. This means all that amazing interview and sound design you’ve done has completely gone to waste on 85% of your audience. Almost bar none, you should have captions on your films!!!

49. Videos posted to Facebook with captions on are watched on average 12% longer than videos without.

50.Do people even care about the videos they watch? Well according to Facebook 65% of people who find a product or a service in their stories go on to become more interested in purchasing that product or service.

51. When someone intentionally clicks on a Facebook video they will on average watch the video for 5 times longer than if they accidentally stumbled across the video. That makes lead images and thumbnails so important as the more engaging you can make the thumbnail the more likely someone will intentionally click and watch!!

52. Facebook users spend 5 times more time on a Facebook post that contains video in comparison to a Facebook post that purely has a static image.

53.Thinking of uploading your video onto Facebook from YouTube? Think again!! A Facebook native video - a video that is uploaded directly to Facebook and not via a third party - has ten times more engagement than a video link posted to the site. On top of this, native Facebook videos have 478% more shares than videos uploaded via other platforms.

54. 65% of marketers plan on using Facebook in their next video marketing campaign. With 26% planning on using Facebook live.

55. Are Facebook ads cost effective? In comparison to TV ads, Facebook ads are 20 times less expensive and have the ability to reach two times as many people.

56. Calls to action at the end of a video have 16.8% increase in conversion rate when placed in the middle of the video instead of to the left, right, top or bottom.

57.The average engagement rate with a post on Facebook is a mere 0.19% of your following. This makes sense as Facebook is most interested in how to make people pay for ads.

The Best Instagram Video Marketing Statistics. (2024)

If you’re not using Instagram yet, where have you been?

Today, Instagram has over 1.6 billions monthly active users and is used in over 200 countries world wide.

With Reels becoming a massive hit in 2023, the platform has seen continued growth and at least for now, has seen of its rivals.

Below are what we think are the very best Instagram video marketing statistics for 2024! For a more detailed exploration of Instagram for marketeers why not check out our
specific Instagram video marketing statistics page.

58. In 2022 the number of people using Instagram surpassed 2 billion people.

59. With more than 2 billion users this next stat is mind blowing. Over 59% of Instagram users login to the platform daily.

60. Instagram is the home of younger people, in fact a recent study has shown that more than half of global Instagram users are younger than 34!

61. 68% of marketers plan on using Instagram in their next video marketing campaign.

62. With 30% of marketers planning on using Instagram TV in their next campaign.

63. Average Instagram engagement rates are at only 0.98% of your following with influencers seeing engagement rates as high as 1.4%.

64. Carousel posts have higher engagement rates than any other type of post, even video!

65. We all know we need to post more stories but it’s just such a slog. Well, what if I told you that accounts that post up to five stories a day have on average a 70% retention rate of their viewers.

66. A massive 90% of Instagram users follow a brand on Instagram. That seems like pretty good odds until you consider the fact that there are over 200 million business accounts on the network.

67. Shoppers love Instagram, this is made very clear when considering the fact that 70% of shoppers look to Instagram for their next purchase. That makes the platform super important for giving your customers the correct information to help them with their next purchase.

68. A recent Sprout Social study found that 66% of Instagram users found short form video the most engaging type of content in their feed!!

69. It’s clear that Instagram is a favorite of the digital marketer with 68% of marketers saying they plan on using Instagram as a key part of their next year's campaign.

70. The best time to post on Instagram is on Tuesday between 11:00AM-14:00PM.

71. If your aim is to drive traffic to your website then Instagram Stories may well be the place for you to be. A recent study by instagram found that 50% of Instagram users have visited a website to look at or purchase a product after seeing it in their stories.

The Best TikTok Video Marketing Statistics. (2024)

TikTok is now only 8 years old but what a seven years it’s had.

Released as a platform for people to share 3 minute short forms video to the platform has exploded as a go to place for sharing dance, art, pranks, gaming, vlogs and any other type of video content.

With the app being downloaded now over 4 billion times it’s quite rightly got the attention of a lot of brands. Below are some key stats on how to use video on TikTok. 

If you’re interested in learning more about TikTok, take a look at our 23 TikTok Video Marketing Statistics for 2024 page.

72. So who actually uses TikTok? Well it’s safe to say that the platform is most popular with the younger generations. This is an important consideration when planning your next video marketing campaign. Is TikTok worth the effort if your target audience isn’t found here. On average in the US 25% of TiTok usage is from people aged 10-19 with data from the UK being remarkably similar. Here are the exact demographics that use Tiktok:
  • Ages 10-19 are 25% of users.
  • Ages 20-29 are 22.4% of users.
  • Ages 30-39 is 21.7% of users.
  • Ages 40-49 is 20.3% of users.
  • Ages 50+ are 11% of users.
73. TikTok was the most downloaded app in 2021, sure that was a few years ago now but the point still stands. This app is a contender and it doesn’t look like it will disappear any time soon.

74. The most popular catagory on TikTok is the entertainment hashtag that has gathered 535 billion hashtag views. Maybe it’s time to start practicing your fortnight dances? The next most popular hashtags were pranks, DIY and sports and fitness.

75. TikTok is expected to have amassed over 1.8 billion users by the end of 2022 which isn’t bad when considering there are just over 4.5 billion people on the internet.

76. TikTok is the seventh most popular social media platform worldwide after Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, Whatsapp, Facebook Messenger and WeChat. Considering it’s new to the party that ain’t bad at all.

77. Recent data shows that the average TikTok user will open TikTok a staggering 19 times per day.

78. We all know TikTok is an app for the younger generations but did you know quite how much time the average child spends on TikTok? Children spend on average 75 minutes a day on TikTok watching, sharing, liking and commenting on videos. This varies depending on the country. In the US these figures rise to 87 minutes per day whilst in the UK children spend on average 70 minutes per day. That’s an interesting fact especially if you’re a business looking to engage with children.

79. A US study found that 61% of TikTok users were female while males make up only 39%.

80. We all know that people’s attention spans are short… I mean very short. A recent study on the success and failure of different TikTok ads found that 63% of successful TikTok ads shared their message almost instantly. No waffle, no build up… just straight into it.

81. 33% of marketers plan on using TikTok in their next video marketing campaign.

Twitter video marketing statistics (2024)

82. Video has become Twitter's fastest growing advertising tool. In total the platform saw 200 billion video views last year, which equates to a 67% year on year increase in video views on the platform.

83. Furthermore, video view time has increased 72% year on year, which means your videos will be getting far more screen time as time pushes on.

84. Tweets with video attached experience 10 time more engagement than tweets without video.

85. Tweets with video get on average six times as many retweets than static photos and over three times as many retweets as GIFs.

86. Twitter ads that include a video require half as much money spent for the same level of engagement as an advert with a static image.

87. Video ads with website buttons on them have a 2 times higher click through rate and a 60% high retention rate. One of the perks of the website button is that your website will be loading whilst your audience continues to finish the film.

88. Twitter has reported that 93% of all video watched on twitter is via a mobile device.

89. Videos on Twitter that are accompanied by short written tweets have 13% higher retention time and higher brand recall than videos accompanied by longer tweets.

90. 29% of marketers plan on using Twitter in their next video marketing campaign.

The Best Snapchat Video Marketing Statistics. (2024)

Snapchat’s, like TikTok, is one of those platforms that you underestimate at your own peril. We once thought that way but today, we take the platform and its 300 million daily user base very seriously.

As a platform it has one of the highest ROI’s of any of the social media platforms (5x investment) and it’s ad spend is now at an eye watering $1.07billion per year.

The following stats will give you a solid idea of just how important this platform is, and may wel make you think twice about whether or not to have SnapChat as a part of your next video marketing campaign.

For a deeper dive on Snapchat, why not check out our
SnapChat video marketing statistics page.

91. Snapchat is no longer the new kid on the block and after rebuffing Facebook's offer of purchase has gone from strength to strength, today Snapchat has over 319 million daily active users and over half a billion monthly active users.

92. Snapchat is a young person's app, nearly 20% of the app's users are between the ages of 18-24.

93. Here’s a stat that will make you think long and hard about whether you want to be investing large amounts of money in the platform. 90% of Snapchat users also use Instagram. This does make you think… is it better to invest more in Instagram but try a variety of different approaches on the platform?

94. The average user spends 30 mnutes on the app every day 30 minutes on the app every day, that may not sound like a lot but that’s only 3 minutes less per day than people spend on Facebook, the world’s largest social media network.

95. 63% of users, a huge 200 million people, use Augmented Reality filters on their videos. Any business that can somehow incorporate AR into their offer then they will be well ahead of the curb.

96. About 30 million Snapchat users play Snap Games, this is a useful thing to know when considering spending money on Snapchat marketing as there is a potential to place 6 second unskippable ads on games where you have a captive market.

97. Snapchat users are almost equal in the number of male and female users with female users accounting for 54.4% of the user base.

Live Video Marketing Statistics in 2024

98. Live video is king when it comes to people's attention spans. On average Vimeo, the giant video streaming platform has found that people watch live video 10 times to 20 times longer than pre recorded video.

99. We can all accept a little bit of rough around the edges when it comes to live video however most people can tolerate no more than 90 seconds of poor quality live stream before abandoning the stream.

100. Brands on Facebook found that they had over double the engagement rates when posting live video in comparison to pre recorded film.

101. Even though live video has higher engagement rates and higher levels of watch time only 14% of marketers say they will be using live video in their next video marketing campaign with native video being much more popular.


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